5 Shifts in Under 5 Minutes - You Can Thank Me Later
The Influence Every Day Show with Dr. Ed Tori
If I ever get on stage and there happens to be low energy in the room. Especially if I'm doing a keynote after lunch, or if I came up after a speaker that had some sort of technical kind of presentation. And then I'm up there now. Now, what I want to do is I want to shift the energy. And what's really interesting is I do this small exercise.
It only takes a little bit of time to do. And afterwards, invariably, people approach me about that very exercise. The exercise is this. I tell the crowd. First take note of how you feel right now. what's your state? What kind of what's your mood?
What do you you know, how's your energy level right now? Okay now I want you to put your shoulders back. Okay shoulders back deep breath in Let it out Smile Like you mean it not like you have gas smile and now turn to the person next to you and say I'm glad you're here And then what happens is everybody starts.
I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. They're laughing. They're joking They're starting to have conversation and then eventually they turn towards me to keep going with the talk I say, okay. Now, Take note of how you feel. Tell me how do you feel right now? And they'll know wow, I feel better, you know, they notice the change and I say look that was what 30 seconds 45 seconds a minute And your mood changed, your energy changed, your readiness, your engagement, all of that changed in under 30 seconds.
How did that happen? You can do this. You can do this on your own before a meeting, before walking into your home after a tough day, before writing that difficult email, before having that conversation. You can change your mood. You can change your perspective. So there are five things you can shift in under five minutes.
You can shift your energy in under five minutes by doing something like exercising. And you might say, wait a minute, I already struggled to exercise. Yeah, all I'm doing is asking you to do five minutes. Can you do five minutes of a stretch? Of course you can. If you do five minutes of a stretch, I promise you, it will change your energy.
Now what's really interesting is all five of these things, they're all easy to do. Which makes them also easy not to do because we falsely think they're so simple. There's no way that this works, but it does. So first energy exercise. If you exercise for five minutes, even less than five minutes, you will notice a shift in your energy. If you want clarity around a topic or an issue or an idea, Write about it for five minutes. If you write for five minutes about an issue, you will have so much more clarity around it. Now, it might not solve the entire thing, but you will have more clarity around it. Just write about it for five minutes.
[ ***** Do you want Dr. Tori to help you with a sticky problem you've been trying to address? Or do you want coaching on being a more persuasive and impactful communicator? Schedule an influence strategy call: InfluenceConsult.com ***** ]
Now, if you want to shift a perspective on something, read for five minutes. Read. every morning, at least recently, I've been reading 101 Ways That Will Change The Way You Think by Brianna Wiest. I read one essay in the morning, one essay. That's all it takes. And sometimes it's enough to shift my perspective and shift my day even because sometimes I'll start writing about a topic that I was sparked by in one of her essays.
So I'll, I'll start writing about it. But the point here is reading. can change your perspective in under five minutes. It doesn't take long. Read for five minutes. Literally set a timer, read for five minutes, and you, you will notice you, your perspective can shift. As far as mood, you could shift your mood.
You can shift even your entire physiology by breathing exercises. If you take those deep breaths in a rhythmic kind of way, inhale, exhale, and you're conscious of your breaths, you can change your mood. You can change your physiology. Same goes for having conversation. If you have conversation with somebody who has an energy level or an engagement, a certain amount of engagement with you or a certain amount of rapport with you, that can shift your mood.
It can shift your physiology. Now, why am I bringing these up? Because these are small things you can do that can better equip you for whatever it is you have to handle. You see, your problems aren't going to go away. by doing breathing exercises. this is one of the things that people poo poo well being efforts from the workplace.
They poo poo it because they say, Oh, well, we have these staffing issues and they're letting positions go and they're doing this. And, and now they're telling me to do breathing exercises and they're coming by giving us little trinkets or, or stuff for our well being. If you want my well being, why don't you fix the staffing problem?
And then I'll have, a better workday. Yeah, you might be right. Maybe they do need to fix the staffing. Okay? But at the same time, you will show up differently, if you do those breathing exercises. You will show up to that next meeting, that next person, that next client, that next patient, that next, colleague of yours that needs you.
You will show up differently if you do those breathing exercises. You will show up differently if you shift your energy with exercise, if you shift your perspective with reading, if you shift your, thinking and your clarity if you write. You will show up differently, and that might be enough to actually affect change.
See, this is what we can control. We can control our energy. We can control our mood. We like to blame those on external factors, but we have control over those. And these small exercises will prove it to you. But again, the challenge is, they're easy to do, which makes them also easy not to do. We falsely think.
Their simplicity. There's no way. that something this simple can work.
But when you actually do it, you'll see that it absolutely does.
I'll see you in the next episode.
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[ ***** Do you want Dr. Tori to help you with a sticky problem you've been trying to address? Or do you want coaching on being a more persuasive and impactful communicator? Schedule an influence strategy call: InfluenceConsult.com ***** ]