043 Are Your Priorities Bass Ackwards? Cart Before The Horse

Show Notes for Episode 043: Are Your Priorities Bass Ackwards? 

Welcome to The Influence Every Day Show with Dr. Ed Tori, where we focus on making every day better and influencing for good.

Ever heard of putting the cart before the horse? In this episode, Dr. Tori tackles how we often get our priorities out of order and why that mindset might be holding us back.

Dr. Tori shares a story about a friend who postponed learning leadership skills until after a promotion—only to realize that’s putting things in the wrong order. Here’s why you need to act first, invest in yourself, and create the conditions for success before expecting rewards. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Action Precedes Clarity: Waiting for circumstances to change before taking action is backward. Start moving, and the path becomes clear.
  • Generosity Isn’t About Wealth: Be generous now, not when you “have enough.” Giving early creates the habit of generosity.
  • Leadership Begins Before the Title: You don’t become humble or respected because of a position—you practice those traits to earn the position.
  • Momentum Matters: Small actions create feedback loops. Once you’re in motion, adjusting direction becomes easier.


Metaphors That Stick 

  • The Firewood Analogy: You have to put wood in the stove to get heat. Effort comes before reward.
  • The Cart and Horse: Stop prioritizing the cart (results) over the horse (effort). It’s all about doing things in the right order.


Self-Reflection Challenge 

Dr. Tori asks: Where might you be putting the cart before the horse in your life?

Think about:

  • Your career
  • Your relationships
  • Your personal growth

Take action today to shift those priorities and set the right foundation for success.


Memorable Quote 

 “Action is the shortest path to clarity. Invest in yourself.

Put the wood in, and then you’ll get the heat.”


Next Steps 

  • Share this episode with someone who needs to hear it.
  • Ready to level up your influence and communication skills? Schedule a strategy call with Dr. Tori at InfluenceConsult.com.


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  1. Rate and review the podcast.
  2. Share it with a friend.
  3. Explore the additional materials linked for deeper insights.


Go forth and influence for good—every day. See you next time!


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