023 The Subconscious Simmer - Sometimes Stepping Away Is The Most Efficient Next Step

Episode 023: The Subconscious Simmer - Sometimes Stepping Away Is The Most Efficient Next Step

Host: Dr. Ed Tori
Podcast: Influence Every Day

Episode Summary:

In this enlightening episode of the Influence Every Day podcast, Dr. Ed Tori dives into the concept of the "Subconscious Simmer." Have you ever had a Eureka moment in the shower, while driving, or just as you’re about to fall asleep? Dr. Tori explains that these moments of sudden clarity and creativity often occur during what he refers to as "trance states"—times when your subconscious mind is hard at work making connections beneath the surface.

Dr. Tori discusses how stepping away from a problem or task—whether it's taking a walk, gazing at the ocean, or simply letting an idea simmer—can be the most efficient next step in solving complex problems. He illustrates this with examples like Albert Einstein’s approach to problem-solving and the story of how the design of bullet trains was inspired by a simple observation in nature.

But it's not all about the positive. Dr. Tori also warns about the flip side: the negative effects of subconscious simmering when our brains are filled with unhealthy or irrelevant information. He emphasizes the importance of controlling your inputs, especially during these trance states, to avoid the “anti-Eureka” moments of anxiety and fear.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Subconscious Simmer: Your brain continues working on problems subconsciously, making important connections even when you're not actively thinking about them.
  2. Trance States: These are natural states we enter throughout the day, such as when we’re absorbed in a book, lost in thought, or simply watching the waves. These states are critical for deep subconscious processing.
  3. Stepping Away: Sometimes the most efficient step in problem-solving is to step away, allowing your subconscious to work its magic.
  4. Negative Inputs: Be mindful of what you expose your brain to, especially during trance states. Passive consumption of negative or irrelevant content can lead to anxiety and hinder creative problem-solving.

Actionable Advice:

  • Deliberate Simmering: Before jumping into action on a new idea or problem, take some time to let it simmer. Step away and return to it later with a fresh perspective.
  • Control Your Inputs: Protect your subconscious by being selective about the information and environments you expose yourself to, particularly during times of high suggestibility.

Next Steps:

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  2. Rate and Review: Enjoyed today’s insights? Take a moment to rate and review the podcast.
  3. Explore More: Check out the additional resources and links provided to further enhance your influence, impact, and relationships.


Listen to this episode and more on your favorite podcast platform, and remember to influence for good every day.

  • 00:00 Introduction: Lost in the Moment
  • 01:17 Understanding the Subconscious Simmer
  • 01:47 The Power of Trance States
  • 02:22 Deliberate Subconscious Simmering
  • 03:57 Eureka Moments and Subconscious Processing
  • 08:14 Negative Inputs and Their Impact
  • 10:35 Conclusion: Embrace the Subconscious Simmer

P.S. Want to dive deeper into the best books on influence and communication? Dr. Tori has distilled them all for you at InfluenceBookClub.com.

P.P.S. Here's a related book I recommend


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