020 Your Professional Jargon Doesn't Work - Sell Snake Oil Instead

Your Professional Jargon Doesn't Work - Sell Snake Oil Instead

Harnessing Persuasion: Lessons from the Snake Oil Game

In this episode, Dr. Tori recounts a playful yet powerful personal experience with a game called Snake Oil.

The game, known for its fun and creativity, becomes a surprising tool for teaching influence and persuasive communication. Dr. Tori narrates how he turned this game into a workshop to help others learn about persuasive speech patterns and communication strategies. Participants of the workshop gain insights into the automatic rapport-building and creative thinking that happens during the game.

The episode explores the contrast between game-time creativity and professional communication, encouraging professionals to bring this playful, tailored approach into their work settings.

Additionally, Dr. Tori highlights the benefit of creating a fun learning environment and how this can enhance retention and application of new skills.

00:00 Introduction: The Unfair Game

00:23 The History of Snake Oil

02:01 How to Play Snake Oil

03:55 Turning the Game into a Workshop

04:55 Lessons from the Workshop

08:49 The Power of Play in Learning

10:03 Conclusion and Invitation

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