TING - "To Listen" 

Often translated as “to listen” the Chinese word “TING” means so much more than that. It is made up of pictographs that each have an independent meaning that is deeply significant to the act of listening. Improve your most important relationships by practicing each one of these elements.

Get the TING Worksheet Here 


Even better... Get the TING 7-Day Listening Bucket List Challenge 

Learning the definitions of each component of TING, frankly, is not enough. Sure, you might take a single nugget and impact significant change in your life. But massive, profound, or transformative change will only occur with deliberate practice. 

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to improve your listening skills and your ability to establish psychological safety over the next 7 days using this TING 7-Day Bucket List Challenge. Fill this out and I'll send it to you right away.

Get Your TING Take Action Guide Now

Enter your name and email to get the 7-Day TING Bucket List sent to your inbox.

Speaking of Listening...Check Out Dr. Tori's Influence Every Day Podcast

Do you want to get to the next level in your communication? To turn everyday moments into impactful and unforgettable change agents?

The Influence Every Day Show is for you if you're ready to level up every relationship you have. Dr. Tori shares his expertise in influence, persuasion, rapport and behavior change each week - small tweaks to your day-to-day interactions that will influence for good. 

Listen In, Level-Up
Join Dr. Tori in The Influence Book Club!!
  • Your communication is vital. (At home, at work, and with yourself)
  • Inspiring quotes feel good, but won't change behavior.
  • Book summaries and apps won't either.
  • But you don't have time to read all of the books you want.
  • The ONLY way to skill-up in your communication is to be deliberate.
  • Take the most important lessons from the best books and turn them into skills.
Join Dr. Tori's Influence Book Club